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Pet insurance vs Pet Telehealth: Deciphering the Key Differences

Jul 14, 2023

With nearly 70% of American households owning at least one pet, family benefits that include the family pet are on the rise – particularly when organizations consider benefits that are highly relevant and inclusive to the majority of their organizations. 

When it comes to innovative employee benefits, offering pet telehealth and pet insurance are two popular options. Both support and acknowledge pet families, but they differ significantly in terms of their focus and scope. 

While pet insurance has gained in popularity and awareness among organizations over the last decade, the reality is that a mere 3% of pets are actually insured. Organizations who feel that they can implement voluntary pet insurance and check pet benefits off of their list are missing a huge opportunity. Pet telehealth by contrast is a more equitable option when considering pet benefits. 

Click below to read our guide that articulates the key differences between the two so you can make the best decision for choosing the right pet-focused family benefits for your workplace. 

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